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Writer's pictureJohn Thomas Toys®

Benefits of sex (2)

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

We are continuing our look at the benefits of regular sex and orgasm. Initially we are looking predominantly at how women are liable to benefit. This benefit is irrespective of whether they are engaging in sex with their partners or masturbating alone with a platinum silicone dong or large silicone dildo. The factor which seems to be of most importance is whether or not the woman in question is able to reach orgasm.

While there are certainly health benefits from becoming sexually aroused and engaging in sex, orgasm seems to be pivotal. During sex with a partner a great deal of energy is expended and therefore regular sex can help to keep a woman feeling fit and healthy. However, we intend to look more at the benefits of climax with or without the use of a sex toy or adult toy.

Research has shown that women who regularly either have sex with their partner or masturbate using a sex toy or adult toy such as a platinum silicone dong, report a higher level of happiness in their daily lives. It may well be that if a woman regularly is intimate with their partner then as a consequence they are strengthening their relationship. As a knock on effect, they then feel more able to cope with life’s stresses and strains because they have support and in turn report feeling more at ease and positive.

Well-being and positivity amongst women is more often reported in those who are sexually active in one way or another. Having a good libido (sex drive) is often linked to women who feel better about themselves and their lives in general. It is of little surprise therefore, that there is so much focus on sexual health in the media. Nowadays, we are forever being told how good sex is for us and how this is not an aspect of our lives which we can neglect.

Some people even go as far to say that sexual health is as important as physical health as it leads to confidence and higher self esteem in those that express their needs and desires appropriately.

Most women actively engage in sex or masturbation simply for the pure enjoyment of it but it may be helping those women who want to become pregnant following intercourse with their male partner. Again, research suggests that if a woman is able to reach her orgasm during sex (possibly helped by orgasm training using a sex toy or adult toy such as a sex machine) then she stands a better chance of conceiving.

The explanation for this suggests that women who orgasm during sex are able to retain more of the man’s sperm thus increasing their chances of egg fertilization.

Sex and orgasm during a woman’s pregnancy is also believed to be highly beneficial for the woman as it can maintain a sense of wellness and proximity with her partner liable to benefit all parties.

Women who regularly engage in sex and masturbation with sex toys like platinum silicone dongs are also more likely to be in better physical shape. Sex or sexual play with an adult toy can often be quite a work out. If a woman leads an otherwise sedentary lifestyle then sex may be a great way in which she can feel good and keep physically healthy in the process.

Self pleasure with a handheld platinum silicone dong is liable to be quite a workout in itself. Attaching a large silicone dong to a harness, means a woman could anally or vaginally penetrate her female partner or anally ‘peg’ her male partner. The act of using a harnessed sex toy, such as large silicone dildo, is another great opportunity for a workout which feels erotic and enjoyable for both parties.

Regular sex with a parter or masturbation with a sex toy, has been shown to improve the health of your heart - lowering the risk of it developing disease. There is also evidence which suggests regular sex and orgasm helps to protect you from having a serious health condition like diabetes.

As briefly touched upon earlier in this article, it is worth noting that regular sex with your partner helps to keep the two of you connected and in tune with one another. As a couple you are liable to feel closer and this bodes well for your future time together.

If you are single then the use of sex toys like vibrators or large silicone dongs, gives you a freedom and liberation to be sexually fulfilled regardless of your relationship status. Being sexually satisfied can enable you to be more at ease, relaxed and simply in a better place mentally.

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