Lovers of platinum silicone dongs such as large silicone dildos, often like to try out all different ways in which you can get pleasure from sex toys also known as adult toys. When using sex toys, having a good variety to choose from – like everything in life – helps to keep your fun interesting and exciting.
If you always use the same sex toy in the same way, things can soon become predictable and less enjoyable! Using your sex toy with your partner is one way in which things can become more erotic. It may be that you choose to use your adult toy in front of your partner. If they are happy for you to do so, then you both are liable to find the experience highly stimulating.
An alternative to you using your sex toy on your self, if your partner used it on you, then it could be really enjoyable and make a perfect lead up to penetrative sex with or without a large silicone dong or huge silicone dildo.
John Thomas Toys have a glorious range of over 50 platinum silicone dongs all available in 4 convenient sizes so all adults are catered for. There is also the choice in firmness for you to consider until you create the perfect bespoke sexual experience.
John Thomas Toys are all designed to be used by hand – if you should so wish. However, the majority of them are also Vac-u-lock and O-Ring compatible. *Please check each items specifications prior to ordering to avoid disappointment. With the compatibility, comes the option of attaching to a harness or sex machine. Sex machines are also referred to as fucking machines or in some countries as fuck machines.
For the individual who wishes to use a sex toy alone it may be that a platinum silicone dildo is too big to carry around with them. They may consider them not terribly discreet – especially the 16” jumbo silicone dongs which are available – incredibly big and heavy.
Alternatively, it may be that some people want to use a sex toy which – for lack of a better expression – will do all the work! It is not that the people using these adult toys are lazy, but more that they wish to find the masturbation experience to be indulgent and not plain hard work!
Attaching a platinum silicone dong to a sex machine is a great way to reap the potential from the textured handcrafted adult toy that you choose. If the sex toy is mounted on a machine then you can set yourself up in a comfortable position and angle the thrusting rod so the sex toy compliments the opening of your desired orifice.
Sex machines are very powerful adult toys which can potentially go and go. (Always follow manufacturer's instructions). With a sex toy attached to a machine you can literally lay back, hold the remote control and think of England! Sex machines (unless battery powered) will not slow down or conk out too early and leave you sexually frustrated. Unlike a man, a sex machine with a platinum silicone dildo attached will not reach it’s climax too early and want to go to sleep either!
While sex machines and fucking machines are a handy piece of kit for the adult toy lover, sometimes they are just too big and too heavy and impractical to use on occasions. If for example you are away from home and staying in a hotel, it is not going to be advisable to be lumping a big sex machine around with you wherever you go. Furthermore, lots of sex machines (unless very expensive models) are liable to make quite a lot of noise as they penetrate you with their adult toy attached to the end. Also, a loud machine running in a hotel room is not likely to go down well with your fellow lodgers.
A more convenient option and the focus for the next few articles for our blog is in regard to what are known as hand held fucking machines.
These clever hand held sex machines offer an alternative to big and bulky sex machines and manual use of a platinum silicone dong or large silicone dildo. We shall look at a few examples in the coming days and see how they first originated.