All users of sex toys and adult toys need to know that once they have purchased their premium platinum silicone dong or large silicone dildo that they are missing one important element before they can get down and dirty with their purchase. Yes that's right, lubricant is always highly recommended.
While it is true that women's bodies are able to generate some natural lubricant to their vaginal orifice when they are aroused, the anus is not so forthcoming! When a woman is sexually excited (probably because she is anticipating the joy and great pleasure she will be experiencing with her platinum silicone dildo) her vaginal walls secrete a fluid which makes sex much easier.
Essentially the excretion is there to facilitate penile penetration. From an evolutionary perspective if the vagina is naturally lubricated then it makes it easier for the man's penis to enter, reach climax and ejaculate. From there, she is more likely to become pregnant, carry a child and continue the species and pass on the parent's genes. All interesting stuff facilitated by lubricant albeit of the natural kind.
However, sometimes even vaginal lubricant dries up. This could be due to a lot of potential factors which include, diet, age, weight, stress levels etc. Hormonal changes in a woman's body are quite often the cause of vaginal dryness. Alternatively, it may be that for various reasons a woman is not interested in sex with their partner or even with her large silicone dong, huge silicone dildo or platinum silicone butt plug.
Some women report that they are unable to reach orgasm - a condition known as anorgasmia - as a consequence they are don't wish to engage in sexual behaviour, either alone or with partner.
Women can visit their GP who may well be able to help with such problems and are liable to help achieve a resolution. Sometimes speaking to a sex therapist may be the answer, alternatively, it may be that hormone treatment is helpful.
Some sex therapists recommend the use of sex machines or other adult toys to help them increase their libido. If women are struggling to achieve orgasm then the use of a Sybian sex machine is an excellent tool.
Women and men are recommended to always use an additional personal lubricant when they have sex or play with their adult toys like platinum silicone dongs or platinum silicone dildos regardless of which orifice they plan on penetrating!
The anus unlike the vagina, cannot produce any natural lubricant. As a consequence all anal play requires lube. Without lubricant you are liable to find anal play uncomfortable and possibly even painful. As a result it may put you off permanently from experimenting with sex toys or adult toys for anal use.
Before you engage in anal play it is always recommended to empty the bowels and thoroughly cleanse the area. You could try an anal douche or enema although that is at your own risk!
If you are using a sex toy for anal play thoroughly lubricate it prior to penetration. It is also worth applying plenty of lubricant to the opening of anus - or vagina for that matter.
You need to be wary of the sort of lubricant that you are using as some are not suitable for use with condoms or with platinum silicone dongs or other equivalent sex toys.
Silicone based lubes feel great but they can actually degrade the surface of your sex toys making them no longer non-porous and they can then begin to get a build of harmful germs and bacteria.
A great all rounder lubricant is one which is body safe and will not degrade your toys. Slide personal lubricant is a cheap and effective lubricant which our customers love to use. Water based lubricant does need to be reapplied now and then but it cleans off hands and body parts with just water.
If you are looking for a lubricant which is body safe and toy safe and feels nice, then Slide lubricant is a good choice and that is the reason it is so popular when people use their sex toys or adult toys either alone or with a partner.
Slide lubricant is simple to dispense, you simply pop the lid off the tube and apply a little pressure and then more than enough will flow out. Some people like to apply the lubricant to themselves, while alternatively, some people like to make the application of lube as part of an erotic ritual which they perform on their partner.
Without lubricant being used when a man and woman or two men have anal sex, then there is the potential of bleeding of the anus or penis. This is of concern as then there is a greater risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections. There are infections which are comparably less important, but if you do not not know the sexual history of your partner then you could be putting yourself at risk of a serious illness.
A note to all anal stretching enthusiasts, lashings of lube reapplied is extra specially important. Also, remember to build up slowly and give the body a chance to adapt to each size of toy before you increase. Don't be too rapacious, instead be patient and remember also to give your body plenty of down time so it can go back to normal!
If you find water based lubricants a little boring, then have a look at all the wonderful taste and smell possibilities which are great to use in the bedroom with your partner, or alone for some solo masturbation time with your sex toys of choice.
Water based lubricants like Slide are also available in varieties which tingle and other erotic sensations. Not everyone is as receptive to these, however for those that are curious be sure to try lubricants which are warming - think deep heat of the genitals! Alternatively, there are those water based lubricants which give you a cold chilling sensation - think Vicks on your genitals!
Whatever lube you go for, do your homework and don't forget to make it an important component of your sex life - regardless of whether that means you and your sex machine with platinum silicone dong attached, or you and your husband/wife/boyfriend or girlfriend.